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Titre: Existence of positive solutions of a critical system in RN
Auteur(s): Figueiredo, Giovany de Jesus Malcher
Silva, Leticia dos Santos
Assunto:: Teoria do grau de Brouwer
Soluções positivas
Sistemas críticos elípticos
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: Palestine Polytechnic University - PPU
Référence bibliographique: FIGUEIREDO, Giovany M.; SILVA, Leticia S. Existence of positive solutions of a critical system in RN. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, v. 10, n. 2, p. 502–532, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 out. 2022.
Abstract: In this paper we show existence of positive solution to the system −∆u + a(x)u = 1 2 ∗ Ku(u, v) in R N , −∆v + b(x)v = 1 2 ∗ Kv(u, v) in R N , u, v > 0 in RN , u, v ∈ D1,2 (RN ), N ≥ 3. We also prove a global compactness result for the associated energy functional similar to that due to Struwe in [14]. The basic tool employed here is some information on a limit system of (S) with a = b = 0, the concentration compactness due to P. L. Lions [12] and Brouwer degree theory.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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