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Title: Flipped classroom for teaching structures in architecture courses
Authors: Costa, Eveline Nunes Possignolo
Morales Sánchez, José Manoel
Assunto:: Salas de aula
Estrutura (Engenharia Civil)
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: CRC Press
Citation: COSTA, E.N.P.; SANCHÉZ, J. M. M. Flipped classroom for teaching structures in architecture courses. In: HVEJSEL, Marie Frier; CRUZ, Paulo J.S. (ed.). Structures and architecture a viable urban perspective?. DOI: 10.1201/9781003023555-121.
Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to the field of inverted classroom research for architecture classes by briefly examining and analyzing the results of ten experiments carried out by engineering courses. The bibliographical analysis gathered the benefits described in the experiences and the pedagogical resources used, in order to identify how this teaching model can be applied to the teaching of structures for architecture. The need for this research arose from the problem of teaching structures in Brazil, which is still in development in most institutions from teachercentered models with little student participation in the construction of knowledge. This traditional teaching model has proved to be insufficient for the new educational demands, in which a more critical and active attitude of the student is desirable. Thus, when analyzing the experiences found in the selection made, it was identified that the inverted classroom model is the most used blended learning model and is built from a pre-class, in-class and post class structure. In the pre-class, students are introduced to the content and control how they want to conduct that presentation. In the in-class, students are encouraged, through active activities, to exercise critical thinking, teamwork and problem solving, and finally, in the post-class, the teacher evaluates the result of the previous steps to customize the next activitiesbased on student performance and learning. The strategies listed here are easily reproduced in the teaching of structures for architecture, however, it is necessary to develop a specific experiment in the area, in order to identify other resources in addition to those listed in this work, as well as to assess the architecture student’s perception of this teaching model.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU)
DOI: 10.1201/9781003023555-121
Appears in Collections:Livros e afins

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