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Título : Adipose tissue extracellular matrix remodeling in response to dietary patterns and exercise : molecular landscape, mechanistic insights, and therapeutic approaches
Autor : Sousa Neto, Ivo Vieira de
Durigan, João Luiz Quagliotti
Silva, Adelino Sanchez Ramos da
Marqueti, Rita de Cássia
metadata.dc.identifier.orcid: 0000-0002-1479-5866 0000-0002-9679-8357
Assunto:: Metabolismo
Tecido adiposo
Exercícios físicos
Fecha de publicación : 17-may-2022
Editorial : MDPI
Citación : SOUSA NETO, Ivo Vieira de et al. Adipose tissue extracellular matrix remodeling in response to dietary patterns and exercise: molecular landscape, mechanistic insights, and therapeutic approaches. Biology, v. 11, n. 5, 765, 2022. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022.
Abstract: The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a 3-dimensional network of molecules that play a central role in differentiation, migration, and survival for maintaining normal homeostasis. It seems that ECM remodeling is required for adipose tissue expansion. Despite evidence indicating that ECM is an essential component of tissue physiology, adipose tissue ECM has received limited attention. Hence, there is great interest in approaches to neutralize the harmful effects of ECM enlargement. This review compiles and discusses the current literature on adipose tissue ECM remodeling in response to different dietary patterns and exercise training. High-calorie diets result in substantial adipose tissue ECM remodeling, which in turn could lead to fibrosis (excess deposition of collagens, elastin, and fibronectin), inflammation, and the onset of metabolic dysfunction. However, combining a nutritionally balanced diet with exercise is a remarkable potential strategy for lipolytic activity, preventing rapid ECM expansion in different adipose tissue depots. Despite the distinct exercise modalities (aerobic or resistance exercise) reversing adipose tissue fibrosis in animal models, the beneficial effect on humans remains controversial. Defining molecular pathways and specific mechanisms that mediate the positive effects on adipose tissue, ECM is essential in developing optimized interventions to improve health and clinical outcomes.
Licença:: Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).
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