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Titre: Mini-max algorithm via Pohozaev manifold
Auteur(s): Maia, Liliane de Almeida
Raom, Daniel
Ruviaro, Ricardo
Sobral, Yuri Dumaresq
Assunto:: Algoritmo
Análise numérica
Date de publication: 21-jan-2021
Editeur: IOP Publishing Ltd & London Mathematical Society
Référence bibliographique: MAIA, L. A.; RAOM, D.; RUVIARO, R.; SOBRAL, Y. D. Mini-max algorithm via Pohozaev manifold. Nonlinearity, v. 34, n. 1, 2021. DOI:
Abstract: A new algorithm for solving nonhomogeneous asymptotically linear and superlinear problems is proposed. The ground state solution of the problem, which in general is obtained as a mini-max of the associated functional, is obtained as the minimum of the functional constrained to the Pohozaev manifold instead. Examples are given of the use of this method for finding numerical radially symmetric positive solutions depending on various parameters.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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