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Titre: Assessment and management of pediatric pain based on the opinions of health professionals
Auteur(s): Linhares, Maria Beatriz Martins
Oliveira, Nátali Castro Antunes Caprini
Doca, Fernanda Nascimento Pereira
Martinez, Francisco E.
Carlotti, Ana Paula Panzeri
Finley, Gordon Allen
Assunto:: Dor em crianças
Pessoal da área médica
Dor em crianças - avaliação
Dor em crianças - tratamento
Date de publication: 2014
Editeur: Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade de Brasília, Universidade de São Paulo
Référence bibliographique: LINHARES, Maria Beatriz Martins et al. Assessment and management of pediatric pain based on the opinions of health professionals. Psychology & Neuroscience, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7, n. 1, p. 43-53, jan./jun. 2014. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 jul. 2020.
Abstract: The present study characterized the opinions of health professionals about strategies for assessing and managing pediatric pain in a public teaching hospital. The sample consisted of 92 health professionals who worked in pediatric wards, pediatric intensive care, and neonatal intensive care. The sample included 45 doctors, 18 nurses, 16 psychologists, eight physiotherapists, and five occupational therapists. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire that included 22 open questions on the following topics: pain assessment, pharmacological management, and non-pharmacological interventions. Each area was analyzed with regard to actions, resources, gaps, and needs. The questionnaire was developed based on the principles of Strategic Planning. Two trained researchers analyzed the thematic content of all of the responses. With regard to actions and resources, 33% of the respondents mentioned the use of instruments for pain assessment, 73% reported that they prescribed pharmacological treatments for symptoms of pain, and 26% reported the use of non-pharmacological interventions for the relief of pain. The professionals predominantly reported a lack of training for pain assessment and management, standardized protocols, and human and material resources. Consequently, 96% of the professionals reported the necessity for educational training and standardized implementation guidelines for pain assessment services. These findings provide a baseline of the health professional's opinions of pain issues, which are essential for implementing and increasing pain assessment and management policies institutionally.
Licença:: Psychology & Neuroscience - (CC BY) - All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Fonte: Acesso em: 08 jul. 2020.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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