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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Date de publicationData de defesaTitreAuteur(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
2023-Altered structural connectivity in olfactory disfunction after mild COVID‑19 using probabilistic tractographyBispo, Diógenes Diego de Carvalho; Brandão, Pedro Renato de Paula; Pereira, Danilo Assis; Maluf, Fernando Bisinoto; Dias, Bruna Arrais; Paranhos, Hugo Rafael; Glehn, Felipe von; Oliveira, Augusto César Penalva de; Soares, Alexandre Anderson de Sousa Munhoz; Descoteaux, Maxime; Regattieri, Neysa Aparecida Tinoco--
10-avr-2023-Assessment of nutrient intakes of children and adolescents with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bllosa, severe subtypeZidório, Ana Paula Caio; Carvalho, Kênia Mara Baiocchi de; Dutra, Eliane Said--
2023-Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency syndrome with amelogenesis imperfecta linked to a homozygous CA2 deletionLeite, Luan Deives Rodrigues; Resende, Kêmelly Karolliny Moreira; Rosa, Lídia dos Santos; Mazzeu, Juliana Forte; Oliveira, Livia Claudio de; Scher, Maria do Carmo Sorci Dias; Acevedo, Ana Carolina; Yamaguti, Paulo Marcio--
15-avr-2024-The newly discovered glymphatic system: the missing link between physical exercise and brain health?Olegário, Raphael Lopes; Nóbrega, Otávio de Tolêdo; Camargos, Einstein Francisco--