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Browsing by Author Silva, Kleber Melo e

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
15-Nov-2021-An algorithm to mitigate the infeed effect on overreaching distance zones settingsSilva, Kleber Melo e; Pena, Jéssica S. G.; Braz, Helon D. M.; Kezunovic, Mladen--
2021-Current mapping strategy for improving two-terminal series-compensated line current differential protectionBainy, Rômulo G.; Silva, Kleber Melo e; Johnson, Brian K.--
2021-Enhanced generalized alpha plane for numerical differential protection applicationsBainy, Rômulo G.; Silva, Kleber Melo e--
1-May-2023-Improving traveling wave-based transmission line fault location by leveraging classical functions available in off-the-shelf devicesLopes, Felipe Vigolvino; Reis, Raphael Leite de Andrade; Silva, Kleber Melo e--
2019-Instantaneous-power-based busbar numerical differential protectionMoreno Vásquez, Francis Arody; Silva, Kleber Melo e--
2021-Mathematical and experimental evaluation of an incremental differential protection function embedded in a real transmission line relayGama, Letícia Almeida; Almeida, M. L. S.; Honorato, Tiago da Rocha; Serpa, Vitor Ribeiro; Silva, Kleber Melo e--
2017-Modified DFT-based phasor estimation algorithms for numerical relaying applicationsSilva, Kleber Melo e; Nascimento, Francisco A. O.--
2017-A wavelet-based busbar differential protectionSilva, Kleber Melo e; Escudreo, Alfredo Miguel P.; Lopes, Felipe Vigolvino; Costa, Flávio Bezerra--
2021-A wavelet-based restricted earth-fault power transformer differential protectionAires, M. N. O.; Medeiros, R. P.; Costa, F. B.; Silva, Kleber Melo e; Chavez, J. J.; Popov, M.--