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Browsing by Author Oliveira, Lívia de Lacerda de

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
2022-Gluten-free sorghum pasta : composition and sensory evaluation with different sorghum hybridsOliveira, Lívia de Lacerda de; Orlandin, Lícia Camargo de; Aguiar, Lorena Andrade de; Queiroz, Valeria Aparecida Vieira; Zandonadi, Renata Puppin; Botelho, Raquel Braz Assunção; Figueiredo, Lúcio Flávio de Alencar--
2022-Shelf life and retention of bioactive compounds in storage of pasteurized Passiflora setacea pulp, an exotic fruit from Brazilian savannahOliveira, Lívia de Lacerda de; Ortega Sanchez, Beatriz Alejandra; Celestino, Isadora Costa; Celestino, Sônia Maria Costa; Alencar, Ernandes Rodrigues de; Costa, Ana Maria--
22-Mar-2024-Sorghum phytonutrients and their health benefits : a systematic review from cell to clinical trialsOliveira, Lívia de Lacerda de; Figueiredo, Lúcio Flávio de Alencar--