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Navegando por Autor Dode, Margot Alves Nunes

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5
Data de publicaçãoData de defesaTítuloAutor(es)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es)
2007-Effects of freeze-drying on cytology, ultrastructure, DNA fragmentation, and fertilizing ability of bovine spermMartins, Carlos Frederico; Báo, Sônia Nair; Dode, Margot Alves Nunes; Corrêa, Georgia Assis; Rumpf, Rodolfo--
15-Mai-2020-Intraovarian injection of mesenchymal stem cells improves oocyte yield and in vitro embryo production in a bovine model of fertility lossMalard, Patrícia Furtado; Peixer, Mauricio Antônio da Silva; Grázia, João Gabriel Viana de; Brunel, Hilana dos Santos Sena; Féres, Luiz Fernando Rodrigues; Villarroel, Carla Lujan Pereira; Siqueira, Luiz Gustavo Bruno; Dode, Margot Alves Nunes; Pogue, Robert; Viana, João Henrique Moreira; Carvalho, Juliana Lott de--
2019-Phospholipid composition and resistance to vitrification of in vivo blastocyst of a Brazilian naturalized porcine breedSprícigo, José Felipe Warmling; Leme, Ligiane de Oliveira; Guimarães, Ana Luiza; Oliveira Neto, José Carvalho; Silva, Priscilla Cristine Passoni; Moreira, Nathalia Hack; Pivato, Ivo; Silva, Bianca Damiani Marques; Ramos, Alexandre Floriani; Dode, Margot Alves Nunes--
23-Fev-2023-Seasonality does not influence cortisol or testosterone production, or seminal quality of stallions located at low latitudesFreitas, Mariane Leão; Viana, João Henrique Moreira; Dode, Margot Alves Nunes; Maggiotto, Selma Regina; Pivato, Ivo; Braga, Thiago Rodrigues Cardoso; Lim, Alexandre In Piao Gomes; Oliveira, Rodrigo Arruda de--
2-Abr-2024-Use of thermography in the long-term evaluation of scrotal surface temperature and its impact on seminal quality in stallionsFreitas, Mariane Leão; Viana, João Henrique Moreira; Dode, Margot Alves Nunes; Braga, Thiago Rodrigues Cardoso; Oliveira, Rodrigo Arruda de--