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Mostrando resultados 1 a 2 de 2
Data de publicaçãoData de defesaTítuloAutor(es)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es)
25-Mai-2022-Decrease in species richness and diversity, and shrub encroachment in Cerrado grasslands : a 20 years studySouza, Gabriella Ferreira de; Ferreira, Maxmiller Cardoso; Munhoz, Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues--
2023-Evidence for scale-dependent root-augmentation feedback and its role in halting the spread of a pantropical shrub into an endemic sedgeBennett, Jamie J. R.; Gomes, Anabele Stefânia; Ferré, Michel A.; Bera, Bidesh K.; Borghetti, Fabian; Callaway, Ragan M.; Meron, Ehud--