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dc.contributor.advisorSousa Junior, José Geraldo de-
dc.contributor.authorCafrune, Marcelo Eibs-
dc.identifier.citationCAFRUNE, Marcelo Eibs. Direito à moradia e a copa do mundo no Brasil: das mudanças legislativas às novas lutas urbanas. 2016. 274 f. Tese (Doutorado em Direito)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2016.en
dc.descriptionTese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.en
dc.description.abstractA luta dos movimentos sociais por moradia levou à inclusão da Política Urbana na Constituição de 1988 e ao reconhecimento jurídico do direito à moradia, resultando na criação de diversos instrumentos para sua efetivação. A complexa e desigual realidade brasileira, entretanto, mantém os direitos sociais sob constante ameaça. Nesse contexto, as mudanças legislativas e as obras de infraestrutura justificadas pela Copa do Mundo de 2014 no Brasil geraram uma tensão sobre as conquistas urbanas. Assim, a pesquisa consistiu em avaliar como a realização da Copa do Mundo impactou a efetividade do direito social à moradia e do regime jurídico urbanístico. Ao mesmo tempo, foi analisado o papel das lutas urbanas emergentes como estratégia de resistência. A hipótese é a de que a realização da Copa alterou qualitativamente o regime jurídico urbanístico, afetando sua capacidade de produção de efeitos, bem como impactou negativamente o direito à moradia. O objetivo central da tese é analisar os impactos das mudanças legislativas, administrativas e urbanísticas – realizadas sob a justificativa da Copa – no regime jurídico urbanístico protetivo ao direito à moradia. O estudo da legislação justifica-se pela necessidade de avaliar o comprometimento institucional com a efetividade dos direitos sociais. A partir da análise realizada, conclui-se que o processo de reconhecimento dos direitos urbanos, a partir dos anos 1980, resultou na estruturação de um regime jurídico urbanístico protetivo ao direito à moradia. As mudanças legislativas da Copa comprometeram o Estado com uma agenda contraditória ao regime jurídico urbanístico, afetando sua força normativa. Isso porque foi criada uma institucionalidade amistosa à FIFA, resultando na adesão dos gestores ao planejamento empreendedorista que, tornado hegemônico, suspendeu a eficácia dos princípios da gestão democrática e das funções sociais. Seu legado é a mutação do regime jurídico, a flexibilização de direitos, a mercantilização do território e a apropriação privada de capitais. A Copa também tornou os planos diretores e os instrumentos do Estatuto da Cidade, em grande medida, irrelevantes, pois o modelo de planejamento dos megaeventos é avesso à proteção da moradia. A histórica tolerância para com os despejos, por sua vez, colaborou para viabilizar as remoções, o que tem caracterizado a realização de megaeventos. Assim, a realização da Copa impactou a efetividade do direito à moradia e do regime jurídico urbanístico. No entanto, emergiram lutas urbanas de resistência contra as remoções e de reivindicação do direito à cidade, contrapondo-se às ações justificadas pela Copa e ao planejamento neoliberal. Tais lutas, unificadas pela ideia de direito à cidade, renovam o regime jurídico urbanístico, recolocando na agenda pública os temas do planejamento democrático e do direito à moradia.en
dc.description.abstractThe struggle of urban social movements led to the insertion of Urban Policy in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and to legal recognition of the right to housing, opening the way for the creation of several instruments for its implementation. The complex and unequal Brazilian reality, however, holds social rights under constant threat. More recently, statutory change and infrastructure projects were conducted in the country, being justified as an alleged necessity for the hosting of the 2014 World Cup, and generating tensions around the historic achievements in urban policy. This dissertation assesses, on the one hand, how the FIFA World Cup of 2014 impacted the effectiveness of the social right to housing and the urban legal regime that protects it, and on the other, how new urban struggles emerged in resistance to it. The hypothesis discussed is that the World Cup implied a qualitative shift in the legal urban regime, affecting its effectiveness in respect to the right to housing. The central aim is to analyze the impacts of the statutory, administrative and urban changes conducted under the justification of the World Cup in what is described as a legal urban regime of protection to the right to housing. By analyzing these legal changes, it is possible to evaluate the institutional commitment to the effectiveness of social rights. Based on this analysis, it is argued that since the 1980s the process of recognition of urban rights resulted in the structuring of a legal urban regime that protects the right to housing. The legal reforms implemented under the auspices of the World Cup, however, indicate a commitment of the State with a contradictory agenda, affecting this regime’s normative force. This is because a new institutional framework was created – one that is friendly to FIFA’s demand. This framework implicated the endorsement of a an entrepreneurial model of urban planning that, once it became hegemonic, ended up suspending the efficacy of the principles of democratic management of urban policy, and of the social function of urban property. The legacy of these legal reforms, it is argued, is the mutation of the legal urban regime, the flexibilization of rights, the commodification of the territory, and the private appropriation of capital. Instruments such as urban master plans or those created the Statute of the City (Estatuto da Cidade), were made irrelevant, to a considerable extent, by the 2014 World Cup. This is because the model of urban planning propelled by mega-events is showed to be averse to the protection of housing rights. The historical tolerance toward forced evictions, already present in Brazil before the World Cup, contributed to enabling new evictions related to these mega-events. Thus, this dissertation argues that hosting 2014 World Cup impacted the effectiveness of the right to housing and the legal urban regime. However, urban struggles emerged in resistance to evictions and to the neoliberal model of urban planning, and in defense of the right to the city. United around the idea of a right to the city, these struggles reinvigorate the legal urban regime by bringing back the issues of democratic urban planning and housing rights into the public debate.en
dc.rightsAcesso Abertoen
dc.titleDireito à moradia e a copa do mundo no Brasil : das mudanças legislativas às novas lutas urbanasen
dc.subject.keywordDireito à moradiaen
dc.subject.keywordCopa do mundo (Futebol) - Brasilen
dc.subject.keywordPlanejamento urbanoen
dc.subject.keywordMovimentos sociais - Brasilen
dc.rights.licenseA concessão da licença deste item refere-se ao termo de autorização impresso assinado pelo autor com as seguintes condições: Na qualidade de titular dos direitos de autor da publicação, autorizo a Universidade de Brasília e o IBICT a disponibilizar por meio dos sites,, sem ressarcimento dos direitos autorais, de acordo com a Lei nº 9610/98, o texto integral da obra disponibilizada, conforme permissões assinaladas, para fins de leitura, impressão e/ou download, a título de divulgação da produção científica brasileira, a partir desta data.en
dc.description.abstract1The struggle of urban social movements led to the insertion of Urban Policy in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and to legal recognition of the right to housing, opening the way for the creation of several instruments for its implementation. The complex and unequal Brazilian reality, however, holds social rights under constant threat. More recently, statutory change and infrastructure projects were conducted in the country, being justified as an alleged necessity for the hosting of the 2014 World Cup, and generating tensions around the historic achievements in urban policy. This dissertation assesses, on the one hand, how the FIFA World Cup of 2014 impacted the effectiveness of the social right to housing and the urban legal regime that protects it, and on the other, how new urban struggles emerged in resistance to it. The hypothesis discussed is that the World Cup implied a qualitative shift in the legal urban regime, affecting its effectiveness in respect to the right to housing. The central aim is to analyze the impacts of the statutory, administrative and urban changes conducted under the justification of the World Cup in what is described as a legal urban regime of protection to the right to housing. By analyzing these legal changes, it is possible to evaluate the institutional commitment to the effectiveness of social rights. Based on this analysis, it is argued that since the 1980s the process of recognition of urban rights resulted in the structuring of a legal urban regime that protects the right to housing. The legal reforms implemented under the auspices of the World Cup, however, indicate a commitment of the State with a contradictory agenda, affecting this regime’s normative force. This is because a new institutional framework was created – one that is friendly to FIFA’s demand. This framework implicated the endorsement of a an entrepreneurial model of urban planning that, once it became hegemonic, ended up suspending the efficacy of the principles of democratic management of urban policy, and of the social function of urban property. The legacy of these legal reforms, it is argued, is the mutation of the legal urban regime, the flexibilization of rights, the commodification of the territory, and the private appropriation of capital. Instruments such as urban master plans or those created the Statute of the City (Estatuto da Cidade), were made irrelevant, to a considerable extent, by the 2014 World Cup. This is because the model of urban planning propelled by mega-events is showed to be averse to the protection of housing rights. The historical tolerance toward forced evictions, already present in Brazil before the World Cup, contributed to enabling new evictions related to these mega-events. Thus, this dissertation argues that hosting 2014 World Cup impacted the effectiveness of the right to housing and the legal urban regime. However, urban struggles emerged in resistance to evictions and to the neoliberal model of urban planning, and in defense of the right to the city. United around the idea of a right to the city, these struggles reinvigorate the legal urban regime by bringing back the issues of democratic urban planning and housing rights into the public debate.-
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