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Showing results 26 to 27 of 27 < previous 
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
9-Nov-2022-Robust optimal sensor configuration using the value of informationCantero-Chinchilla, Sergio; Papadimitriou, Costas; Chiachío, Juan; Chiachío, Manuel; Koumoutsakos, Petros; Fabro, Adriano Todorovic; Chronopoulos, Dimitrios--
26-Apr-2023-Temporal dynamics of the hydropower water reservoirs of the Tocantins–Araguaia Basin, Brazil, based on remote sensing and hydrometeorological station datasetsValadão, Larissa Vieira; Fonseca, Iara Resende da; Cicerelli, Rejane Ennes; Almeida, Tati de; Garnier, Jeremie; Sano, Edson Eyji--