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Browsing by Author Só, Yuri Alves de Oliveira

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
22-Feb-2020-Combining electronic properties and virtual screening for the development of new antioxidants : Trolox-like compounds as application exampleSó, Yuri Alves de Oliveira; Silva, Mônica de Abreu; Carvalho, Fernando M.; Kiametis, Alessandra Sofia; Gargano, Ricardo--
1-Jul-20221-Apr-2022Estudo teórico de moléculas multialvo-dirigidas para o tratamento da Doença de Alzheimer via hipótese metálicaSó, Yuri Alves de OliveiraGargano, RicardoSilva, Mônica Abreu
5-Aug-2021-Structural, theoretical and biological activity of mono and binuclear nickel(II) complexes with symmetrical and asymmetrical 4,6-diacetylresorcinol-dithiocarbazate ligandsLima, Francielle Campos; Só, Yuri Alves de Oliveira; Gargano, Ricardo; Oliveira, Diêgo Madureira de; Gatto, Claudia Cristina--
2020-Synthesis, theoretical calculation and anticancer activity of 4,6-diacetylresorcinol-dithiocarbazates and their Copper(II) complexesLima, Francielle Campos; Só, Yuri Alves de Oliveira; Gargano, Ricardo; Fujimori, Mahmi; França, Eduardo L.; França, Adenilda C. Honorio; Gatto, Claudia Cristina--
18-Jan-2019-Theoretical investigation on H2O2-Ng (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn) complexes suitable for stereodynamics : interactions and thermal chiral rate consequencesSó, Yuri Alves de Oliveira; Oliveira Neto, Pedro Henrique de; Macedo, Luiz Guilherme Machado de; Gargano, Ricardo--