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Browsing by Author Poppiel, Raúl Roberto

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Date de publicationData de defesaTitreAuteur(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
30-jui-201629-fév-2016Mapeamento pedológico por meio de série histórica Landsat-5 TM e Biblioteca Espectral na Bacia do Rio Jardim (DF)Poppiel, Raúl RobertoLacerda, Marilusa Pinto Coelho-
-3-mar-2020Pedometric mapping of key topsoil and subsoil attributes using proximal and remote sensing in midwest BrazilPoppiel, Raúl RobertoLacerda, Marilusa Pinto CoelhoDemattê, José Alexandre Melo
2018-Surface Spectroscopy of oxisols, entisols and inceptisol and relationships with selected soil propertiesPoppiel, Raúl Roberto; Lacerda, Marilusa Pinto Coelho; Oliveira Junior, Manuel Pereira de; Demattê, José Alexandre Melo; Romero, Danilo Jefferson; Sato, Marcus Vinicius; Almeida Júnior, Leonardo Rafael de; Cassol, Luiz Felipe Moreira--