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Browsing by Author Paura, Edson Nunes Costa

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
3-Nov-201425-Mar-2014Estudo da interação de nanotubos de carbono e nitreto de boro funcionalizados com a molécula de CO2Paura, Edson Nunes CostaGargano, RicardoCunha, Wiliam Ferreira da
2020-A first-principles study of the substitutional doping of the MgCl2 monolayer for spintronics applicationsLima, Igo Tôrres; Vasconcelos, Railson; Gargano, Ricardo; Paura, Edson Nunes Costa--
30-Apr-2019-A theoretical study of adsorbed non-metallic atoms on magnesium chloride monolayersLima, Igo Tôrres; Gargano, Ricardo; Guerini, Silvete; Paura, Edson Nunes Costa--