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Browsing by Author Oliveira Neto, Osmundo Brilhante de

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
24-Nov-2011-Isolation and functional characterization of a cotton ubiquitination-related promoter and 5’UTR that drives high levels of expression in root and flower tissuesViana, Antonio A. B.; Fragoso, Rodrigo da Rocha; Guimarães, Luciane Mourão; Pontes, Naiara; Oliveira Neto, Osmundo Brilhante de; Artico, Sinara; Nardeli, Sarah M.; Ferreira, Marcio Alves; Batista, João A.N.; Silva, Maria C.M.; Sá, Maria Fatima Grossi de--
7-Feb-2011-A new chitinase-like xylanase inhibitor protein (XIP) from coffee (Coffea arabica) affects Soybean asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) spore germinationVasconcelos, Érico Augusto Rosas de; Santana, Celso G.; Godoy, Claudia Vieira; Seixas, Claudine Dinali Santos; Silva, Marília Santos; Moreira, Leonora Rios de Souza; Oliveira Neto, Osmundo Brilhante de; Price, Daniel; Fitches, Elaine; Ferreira Filho, Edivaldo Ximenes; Mehta, Angela; Gatehouse, John A.; Sá, Maria Fatima Grossi de--