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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
31-Mar-2023-An energy-based big data framework to estimate the young’s moduli of the soils drilled during the execution of continuous flight auger pilesOzelim, Luan Carlos de Sena Monteiro; Campos, Darym Júnior Ferrari de; Cavalcante, André Luís Brasil; Carvalho, José Camapum de--
Mar-2014-Chemical and hydraulic behavior of a tropical soil compacted submitted to the flow of gasoline hydrocarbonsFarias, Wisley Moreira; Boaventura, Geraldo Resende; Martins, Éder de Souza; Cardoso, Fabrício Bueno da Fonseca; Carvalho, José Camapum de; Guimarães, Edi Mendes--