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Browsing by Author Bertolin, Maria Natacha Toral

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Showing results 24 to 27 of 27 < previous 
Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
Jul-2018-Rango Cards, a digital game designed to promote a healthy diet : a randomized study protocolChagas, Carolina Martins dos Santos; Silva, Tiago Barros Pontes e; Reffatti, Luiggi Monteiro; Botelho, Raquel Braz Assunção; Bertolin, Maria Natacha Toral--
Oct-2020-Tailored smartphone intervention to promote healthy eating among Brazilian adolescents : a randomised controlled trial protocolMelo, Giselle Rhaisa do Amaral e; Lima, Stefany Correa; Chagas, Carolina Martins dos Santos; Nakano, Eduardo Yoshio; Bertolin, Maria Natacha Toral--
22-Sep-2023-Validation of the illustrated questionnaire on food consumption for Brazilian schoolchildren (QUACEB) for 6- to 10-year-old childrenOliveira, Giovanna Angela Leonel; Barrio, Daniela Oliveira Llorente; Araújo, Giovanna Soutinho; Saldanha, Marina Pimentel; Schincaglia, Raquel Machado; Gubert, Muriel Bauermann; Bertolin, Maria Natacha Toral--
Dec-2009-Validity and reliability of self-reported weight and height measures for the diagnoses of adolescent’s nutritional statusEnes, Carla Cristina; Fernandez, Priscila Maria Fúncia; Voci, Silvia Maria; Bertolin, Maria Natacha Toral; Romero, Alexandre; Slater, Betzabeth--